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How to Make Your Garage More Modern

Everyone has different styles.  While some may love traditional, timeless looks, others may prefer modern.  If you prefer the modern style, then you may have updated your home to match your style.  Most people, however, wait to do their garage until the end, as they prioritize other areas of the home first.  If you can relate, you probably have a modern home, with an outdated garage.  That’s why you should make these updates to your garage in order for it to be more modern.

Upgrade the Flooring

The flooring in your garage isn’t usually as nice as you wish it would be.  This is because you’re constantly parking and driving over it, having your kids play on it, and using it for other purposes.  To give it a more modern appearance, you can switch your concrete flooring to ceramic flooring or epoxy flooring,

Install an Automatic Garage Door Opener

If you want a traditional look, you may get away with having an old, manual garage door opener.  If you want a modern feel to your house, however, then it’s time to upgrade your system.  The great thing about these systems is that you don’t need to carry around a garage door opener; instead, you can just use your phone.  Aside from convenience, they’re also safer than manual openers.

Upgrade the Lighting

Most people don’t pay attention to the lighting, but it makes a big difference in the appearance.  To give their garage a more modern look, some people change their overhead lights for a modern lighting system.  Some people even put LED strips along the sides of the garage to provide better lighting.  This is also great for those that work or do activities in their garage.

A New Garage Door

Your Clermont garage door makes a big difference in the overall appearance of your home.  If your whole house is modern, but you have an outdated garage door, it may look weird.  There are different types of modern garage doors, but they often have a sleek look and are made with aluminum and glass.

If you need help installing your new Clermont garage door, or making updates to it, contact us at Hudson Valley Overhead Doors & Operators.