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How to Prepare Your Home for Autumn

Summer is fading away and while you wait for autumn to fully kick in, you might want to start wrapping up all the summer projects you had scheduled, including preparing your home for the next season. (Related topic: Carmel garage doors)

Cleaning is definitely an important part of this process, so start by checking the roof gutters and the spark arrestors; make sure to remove any leaves or debris and you can kill two birds with one stone, eliminating any fire hazards and avoiding clogged roof gutters that could cause damage to your roof during the rainy season.

Your dryer vents is another thing you should make sure is clean, in and outside your home. Then go the kitchen and make sure your oven and the oven hood get degreased and clean. Declutter your closets and storage spaces so you can clean them up and get rid of everything you don’t need. You can plan a late summer garage sale. Something else you cannot forget is sanitizing your bathtub and using disinfectant wipes to clean up everything that is regularly touched in your house, like doorknobs and remote controls.

The microwave and the refrigerator also deserve a good clean up, especially, before the holiday season where there will be lots of people at your home and lots of leftovers from friends and family gatherings. Seize this opportunity to also unplug and move your refrigerator to vacuum the condenser coils if they are in the back of the appliance. The door trims and baseboards that don’t get much attention should be cleaned up too as well as your kitchen cabinets and your pantry, which you should clean and inspect to toss expired spices, condiments and packaged foods.

Speaking of inspections and maintenance, make sure to call professionals to help you with some things around your house, such as inspecting and giving maintenance to your garage door, checking your fireplaces, chimneys and flues, test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, making sure your fire extinguishers are fully charged and positioned in easy-to-reach areas near the room’s door. Also, getting a professional to inspect your furnace is key as well as having someone to inspect your car.

Some of the other things you should do before the fall include:

-Replacing cracked caulking and worn out weather stripping around the house.

-Changing your furniture slipcovers, pillows, rugs and bed linens.

-Changing air filters.

-Touching-up your house painting.

-Cleaning up and organizing your garage.

Checking your car’s mats and seats and pockets for wayward trash, and repeat at home.

If you’re looking to remodel your garage or change the doors, get in touch with an expert who can provide you with the best advice. To learn more about our Hudson garage doors, Carmel garage doors, Milan garage doors, and Clermont garage doors services, call Hudson Valley Overhead Doors and Operators at (845) 876-2772.