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Protecting Your Garage from Burglars

Garage burglaries have skyrocketed. Sometimes, these are not even burglaries but the work of bored kids looking to vandalize private property. But, since most people use their garages to keep more than just their cars, these break-ins are definitely a safety concern for the community. (Related topic: Hudson garage doors)

A garage can be an entryway to your home if it’s attached to it. Furthermore, the majority of people use their garages to store extra belongings, from canned food and other home supplies to luxury sports equipment, amongst many other things, which can be easy to resell.

Since burglars have been attracted to these items more and more lately, the recommendation is to find other places to store them. However, not everyone has the space, time or disposition to do that. Instead, reinforcing the security of your garage door is probably the way to go. As mentioned before, the garage could also be an easy access to your home which can turn a burglary into something much more dangerous.

Unfortunately, unless you have a high-end garage door with reinforced security, chances are you’ll be a victim of this crime since it’s so easy to commit. Even more so when your garage has a wired keypad, but sometimes that’s not even necessary as people are often forgetful and leave the garage door open.

For those who have a keypad, all burglars have to do is pop off the keypad, cross the wires and get in. So, how can you fight back delinquency when it’s so easy for them to get inside your garage? Well, the truth is that the fix can be just as easy.

Of course, ideally, you would get a new garage door with a better security system. But if your budget doesn’t allow you to go for such an upgrade, a simple screw can do the trick. All you have to do is secure a screw or nail to the inside of your garage and wrap that excess wiring around it. That will keep the wires tight. So if someone comes to pop off the keypad, either the pad won’t come out, or the wires will break off. keeping your garage door shut and the burglar out of luck.

If you’re looking to remodel your garage or change the doors, get in touch with an expert who can provide you with the best advice. To learn more about our Clermont garage doors, Wappinger Falls garage doors, Hudson garage doors, and Yorktown Heights garage doors services, call Hudson Valley Overhead Doors and Operators at (845) 876-2772.