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The Garage Door Openers You Should Buy

Next generation garage door openers can make your life incredibly easy. However, not everyone knows how to choose the right kind of garage door opener. That’s why we’ve put together a list with the best garage door openers you can buy. (Related topics: Spencertown garage doorsKinderhook garage doors, Austerlitz garage doors)

If you think you don’t need an automatic garage door opener, think again. If you’re driving home in the middle of a storm, you’ll have to pull into the driveway and step out in the rain just to open the garage door.

If you still don’t know what kind of garage door opener you should buy, the following list contains the ones that are safer to operate, easier to install and the ones that run quietly.

  • Chamberlain WD832KEV

    This garage door opener won’t let you hanging; it is reliable, it works well, and it’s basic enough to do a great job without pushing a ton of extra features you don’t need. While the WD832KEV is reliable, quiet and includes an automatic timer, it only works with doors up to 7 feet in height.

  • Ryobi Ultra Quiet

    This Ultra Quiet garage door opener runs quietly and you can even charge the 18V Ryobi cordless battery if you have the brand’s power tools. The Ryobi Ultra Quiet has a host of cool features to go with a powerful motor that delivers excellent levels of performance and you can plug devices into the opener hardware, like a Bluetooth speaker, a fan, or an 18V Ryobi cordless tool battery. Although some people have mentioned potential problems with the door sensors, this opener is easy to install and runs quietly.

  • Chamberlain B970

    Why you’ll love it: the B970 has the horsepower to handle old garage doors without the noisy performance of regular heavy-duty openers. The Chamberlain B970 has a 1.25-horsepower motor to raise heavy doors. It is belt-driven with steel reinforcement for a more quiet function and it has a battery backup system with smartphone access, and long-range remote controls that simplify the operation of the opener. Its encryption features prevent others from hacking the system to gain entry to your garage. However, the price point can seem a bit high and some tech connectivity features are difficult to set up.

  • Chamberlain B730/WD962

    This Chamberlain comes with all the latest features a garage door opener needs. It contains all the basic garage door opener features you’d expect, like a steel-reinforced belt drive in a powerful 3/4-horsepower motor, a battery backup that you can use when the power goes out at your home; and some extra features, such as system access through the MyQ smartphone app, configuration to automatically close the door after 1, 5, or 10 minutes, and a motion-detecting control panel, which turns on lights whenever it records nearby movement.

    It doesn’t matter what temperature it is in your garage, the unit will adjust the motor’s power on the go to keep it running smoothly. Its excellent collection of advanced features, the powerful 3/4-horsepower motor, the battery backup, and the steel-reinforced belt make it more expensive than other garage door openers, even in spite of some issues with the safety sensors.

  • Genie 1035-V

    This opener doesn’t have advanced features but the price is low that those on a tight budget won’t have to think twice about getting one. It doesn’t manage heavy garage doors, but it perfectly on a regular garage door. The Genie is also extremely easy to install with a lightweight design. However, some of the inexpensive parts can fail earlier than expected and it has only one light bulb for illuminating the garage.

But before you buy a new garage door, get in touch with an expert who can provide you with the best advice. To learn more about our Spencertown garage doors, Kinderhook garage doors, Austerlitz garage doors, and Gent garage doors services, give us a call at Hudson Valley Overhead Doors And Operators using this number (845) 876-2772.