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24/7 Emergency Garage Door Services

At Hudson Valley Overhead Doors & Operators, we encourage our customers to take preventative measures in order to keep their garage door in great condition; this includes maintenance checks, lubricating your garage door parts, and getting repairs when necessary.  That being said, emergencies can happen at any time, and they often occur at the most inconvenient moments.  That’s why we offer 24/7 emergency services, just in case you need it.  Let’s take a look at some of the times when you could need an emergency garage door service.


For Safety Purposes

Garages are powerful and if they’re not handled properly, then they could cause serious damage.  If you ever feel like your garage is starting to become a safety issue, then don’t wait to see if you were right.  Give us a call and we’ll come and check out your Clermont garage door and make the necessary repairs.  Since your home is the place for you and your family to be safe, don’t take any risks, especially with powerful garage doors that you use every day.


Because Life Doesn’t Stop, Even on the Weekends

There are many companies that work Monday through Friday till 5 pm.  That being said, you don’t get the luxury to choose when your garage door needs to be repaired.  If it’s a Friday night and your garage door is making you nervous or even if your car is stuck inside the garage and you can’t open it, then it may not be convenient to wait until Monday to fix it.


If You Use Your Garage As An Entrance to Your Home

Many people rely more on their garage than on their front door to get into their home.  Since they are so comfortable doing this, some people don’t even bring their house keys with them, just the remote to open the garage door.  If the garage door suddenly stops working, that means that it could leave you locked outside of your home.


Unfortunately, emergencies can happen, even if you take great care of your Clermont garage door.  If you ever need an emergency garage door service, give us a call.