Different Types of Garage Door Openers

In our last article, What to Consider Before Choosing Your Automatic Garage Door Opener, we discussed the different things that you need to consider when you switch from a manual garage door opener to an automatic opener.  Among those things include deciding what type of opener that you want to install.  Since each person has their own preference, it’s important to consider what each door has to offer.  The 3 most popular types of openers are: chain-driven garage door openers, belt-driven garage door openers, and screw-driven garage door openers.

Chain-Driven Garage Door Openers

This is a very common type of garage door opener because they’re inexpensive and work well.  They work by using gears and chains to lift and lower the Germantown garage door; the gear and chains are similar to those on a bicycle.  The main downside to this option is that they can be loud, therefore disturbing the people in your house, as well as the neighbors.

Belt-Driven Garage Door Openers

This type of opener operates very similarly to the chain-driven opener.  The main difference is that it uses a rubber belt as opposed to a chain.  The advantage of this is that these openers operate a lot quieter than the chain-driven opener.  Although they can be a little more expensive, it’s worth it if your garage is attached to your home.

Screw-Driven Garage Door Openers

These openers are installed on the wall above the Germantown garage door and feature horizontal spinning rods.  As the opener spins on the rod, the garage door is able to open and close.  The screw-driven opener is also known for being noisy, but can be quiet if they’re kept lubricated.  Their main advantage is that they’re very low-maintenance. 

At Hudson Valley Overhead Doors & Operators, we can help you choose the right opener for your garage door and preference.  Once it’s selected, we can also install it for you as well.

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