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How to Check If Your Garage Door Is Balanced

When a garage door is balanced, its weight is evenly managed by the tensions of the system’s springs.  When it’s not, it’s because the springs aren’t providing enough tension to counterbalance the weight of the door, or they’re exerting too much.  Some of the signs that a Clermont garage door is unbalanced is that the door looks uneven, makes strange noises while opening and closing, takes longer than usual to open or close, or won’t open at all.  If you suspect that your LaGrange garage door is unbalanced, here’s how to check.

How to Check If You’re Garage Door’s Unbalanced

First, close the Clermont garage door.

Then, disconnect the door from the opener.  The process may be different depending on the type of opener that you have.  If you have a screw drive opener, for example, you should pull the manual release straight down.  With jackshaft openers, on the other hand, you should pull down the manual release until you hear a click; then you should release the rope.  For more information on different types of openers, don’t hesitate to ask us.

Now it’s time to open and close the garage door by hand; make sure it’s still disconnected.  The door should be able to move easily.  If it doesn’t, try lubricating the track, rollers, and hinges.  If the problem doesn’t resolve, you may have a binding issue and you should contact us to inspect your Clermont garage door.

If you’re able to move it easily, you should lift the door 3 feet off the ground and release it.  If it stays in place, it means it’s balanced.  If it slams shut or shoots up, it means that it’s not balanced.

This is the process of how to check if your LaGrange garage door is balanced.  The best thing to do, however, is have a professional do the inspection for you.  This way there won’t be any injuries or expensive accidents.  If your Clermont garage door isn’t balanced, we’ll also balance and lubricate your garage door, therefore preventing further problems.